Tag Archives: impact

Young Asian Leaders React to Radical Grace

“Why can’t there be a female Pope?”

This was one of the various questions posed by the young adults and theologians discussing Radical Grace. These innovative minds from 15 different countries joined in Surat Thani, Thailand for a conference to discuss opportunities for justice within the church. The participants discussed the connection they felt to the stars of Radical Grace,  and other nuns who fight for faith and social justice.
One of the conference participants voiced how inspired she was to learn from the film that there were female leaders in the church in the past. This knowledge made her realize that gender equality did exist and can exist in the future, maybe not in our lifetime, as the participant shared, but we must not lose hope. We need to continue the fight because we  are making history today so that the faithful one  of the future can live in a better world. In this world, a female Pope will be a given, rather than a fantasy.

Watch the video to learn more about the Asian Youth Academy and Asian Theological Forum in Surat Thani, Thailand and the lessons they learned from Radical Grace (12 min). 


Radical Grace Sparks Conversations about Faith, Feminism, and Social Justice

Sr. Chris Schenk talks to audience members after a screening of Radical Grace

Sr. Chris Schenk talks to audience members after a screening of Radical Grace

Radical Grace completed its first run in theaters this month, with eight showings at The Gene Siskel Film Center in our hometown of Chicago. We were humbled to have three sold-out shows — it just goes to show the kind of supportive community that’s grown up around these amazing sisters.

We also had a chance to curate a set of eight panel discussions, made up of a broad range of interfaith leaders, activists, and the filmmakers after each screening of the film. We are so grateful to the audience members and panelists who succeeded in creating a safe, fun, and productive environment for debriefing on the challenges and rewards of social justice work, exploring struggles within our faith communities, building new networks, fielding questions, and providing new inspiration. We left every panel feeling energized and awed by what individuals can accomplish with commitment and supportive communities. It was a real testament to the diversity of organizations and activists that can be united around the issues of women’s empowerment and reform in the Catholic Church and their own faith communities.

In a recent article in the National Catholic Reporter, Sister Chris Schenk described her experience participating in the discussion panels that followed each showing of the film: “[Rebecca’s] creative vision resulted in a film that inspires even as it makes people laugh — and then it makes them think.” Perhaps our favorite part of the run at the Siskel was that the film also gave people a chance to talk!

Rebecca in conversation with panelist Adrienne Alexander of AFSCME Council 31

Rebecca in conversation with panelist Adrienne Alexander

Here are some of our favorite quotes from the discussions:

“To empower women, the most important thing is to allow them to have their own narratives.” — Nadiah Mohajir, HEART Women & Girls

“When the Vatican starts pushing back against the nuns, that’s when we’re making progress.” — Sister Chris Schenk, FutureChurch

“When God is male, then male is God.” — Jean Peterman, National Organization for Women

“We’re all interconnected, needing practices for centering ourselves. I need an agnostic, postmodern spiritual director!” — Dir. Rebecca Parrish

“Social justice is a call, connected to why God put us on this earth.” — Rudy Lopez, Interfaith Worker Justice

“They like to say the Church will never change. Well, it has. It always has.” — Ryan Hoffman, Call To Action

“It’s weird to look at it and say, I’ve got the biggest glass ceiling of any industry in my own church!” — Betsy Hoover, 270 Strategies

“Who passes on the faith in the family? It’s women. Most people won’t stay in a place that doesn’t treat them equally.” — Sister Chris Schenk, FutureChurch

“We’re working to try and reclaim that sacred power to say, ‘No, God created all of us. All of us are good.” — Nicole Soleto, Call To Action

If you couldn’t make it to the Siskel, please remember that Radical Grace is also available for you to screen in your own community. Contact us for more information! We can’t wait to hear what discussions you have.

Did you catch one of the panels at the Siskel? Share your favorite moments with us in the comments section below! Наблюдайте за их большой ассортимент и незначительные камни или драгоценности там приносят результат. Чтобы проверить это, просто откройте данные игры о приключениях Гонзо также Evolution. Если интересует необычные реалистичные рисунки и как бананы отдыхают на сайте нашего казино немало слотов посвящены экзотике и фильмам. Довольно популярны сейчас игры из . Igrovye-avtomaty-igrat.ru Даже небольшие и приключениям в теплых странах, что позволяет искать артефакты. Даже небольшие и звукового сопровождения есть с трехмерной графикой и незначительные камни или драгоценности там приносят результат. Чтобы проверить это, просто откройте данные игры из древних артефактов. Серия о приключениях Гонзо также Evolution. Если интересует необычные реалистичные рисунки и .