Monthly Archives: May 2016

Help Us Build A Church For Our Daughters

On Mother’s Day, Radical Grace joined with an outstanding group of partners to launch a campaign to build a Church For Our Daughters.


What would that Church look like? A Church for Our Daughters is one that strikes down every oppressive practice, teaching, and law that assigns women and girls to a subordinate status. It’s a Church that is truly inclusive and alive with the gifts, spirit, and potential of all its members.

We hope you’ll join us in the movement to build this Church. Here are a few actions you can take:

  1. Sign the online petition.
  2. Share the petition with your friends, colleagues, mothers, daughters, nieces, goddaughters, neighbors and friends using the #AChurchForOurDaughters.
  3. Visit to find resources and take action to build a church for our daughters together.

We look forward to seeing this campaign grow, and hope you will join us in taking action!